Hello! I go by several names online, but the most common are prehistorickid, Pretentious Crow, or Hazala. If you know me personally, just use one of those names, if you could.

I've been dreaming up way too ambitious sci-fi and fantasy settings for as long as I can remember, usually involving me (or some self-insert) playing a key role in a story composed of tropes stolen from whatever media I last consumed. Not too much has changed, I suppose, though I like to think my characters are more interesting and my tropes less obviously stolen.

I do the writing and line art, while my friend and co-artist swiffit handles the coloring and backgrounds. Speaking of, here's their words:

Hey there! I'm swiffit or swift for short, the colorist and background artist of the team. Definitely not the best out here in the west but I sure will try my personal best. I'm on the more anonymous side when it comes to my personal life here online but a few things about myself are that I have a cat, an obsession with kirby and collect dragon related things. Nice to meet you all :D

If you have questions or want to reach out for whatever reason, you can find me at prehistorickid52@gmail.com